Last week, I spent two days in Saint-Tropez to celebrate the launch of the Valentino ‘Escape’ Summer collection with Valentino and MyTheresa. I shot part of the collection for my Harper’s Bazaar cover shoot in Brazil two months ago (here) and I was so excited to style some more pieces of the collection whilst in Saint-Tropez.


We stayed at the cute Le Yaca hotel which is tiny but super charming and with a fantastic restaurant! The first event was at the iconic Café Sénéquier restaurant just in front of the harbour. Valentino took over the whole restaurant with cute tablecloths and special cocktails! I was wearing one of my favourite pieces from the collection, a fun sequin dress in one of the ‘Escape’ prints that perfectly matches my dark pink plateau heels.

For the second day, MyTheresa and Valentino scheduled a day at the fun Indie Beach Club. We had an amazing lunch and afterwards headed straight to the beach! It was a fun but beautiful time! Find below some fav pics from the collection! Xx Leonie


BEADED BAG: Valentino (here)


SEQUIN DRESS: Valentino (similar here)

PLATFORM HEELS: Valentino (here)

GOLD SANDALS: Valentino (similar here)

PRINTED DRESS: Valentino (here)

TAN SANDALS: Valentino (here)

STUD BAG: Valentino (here)

EARRINGS: Valentino (here)


DRESS: Valentino (similar here)

BAG: Valentino (similar here)

PLATFORM HEELS: Valentino (here)

EARRINGS: Valentino (here)

TOTE BAG: Valentino (similar here)


BEACH BAG: Valentino (here)

RAFFIA BAG: Valentino (similar here)

EARRINGS: Valentino (similar here)

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Vol. 1: Summer at the Beach

Jaaaaa! Endlich ist der Sommer da. Urlaub! Strahlende Sonne, feinster Sand, blaues Meer,  coole Beach Bar, Promenade mit lauter Eis-Verkäufern… Hach! Sehnsucht. Isaroffice fährt dieses Jahr nach Südfrankreich. (Nur kein Neid, der erste Urlaub seit zwei Jahren!) Und da taucht natürlich die Überlegung auf: Was nehme ich mit an den Strand?

Modepilot hat deshalb in einem von der Sonne bestrahlten Special die Must Haves für die angesagten Strände zusammengestellt.

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Lauren Moshi_2135-VPL-1903

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ASOS 260913-36

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Fotos: PR, Lala Berlin, Asos, Ole Lynggaard, Schumacher, Orly, Dolce & Gabbana, Lierac, Mascaro, Lauren Moshi, Catwalkpictures