SWE Mid-Career Professionals Affinity Group: Growing Your Career and Network Through SWE Mentoring

Mid-Career Professionals Affinity Group

As part of their spotlight month, the Mid-Career Professionals AG describes how SWE members dealing with career breaks, job loss, family planning, relocations, or career transitions can all benefit from participating in the SWE Mentor Network.


Important Member Notice for Bylaws Amendment Now Available!

Proposed Amendments To The Society Bylaws – September 2020

In accordance with the The Society of Women Engineers Bylaws, Article XIII – AMENDMENT, this proposed bylaws amendment is being presented to the membership. The SWE Board of Directors will vote on these changes following the 45-day notice period. The amendment proposal contains the rationale and pro/con considerations. B2520: Amend SWE Bylaws – Absolve Non-Strategic…
